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Node JS Advance Course

Why Node JS?

Designing a comprehensive Node.js course requires careful planning and organization to cover essential concepts and skills effectively. Here’s a suggested module-wise structure for a Node.js course:


Advance Node JS Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Node.js

  • What is Node.js?
  • History and evolution of Node.js
  • Features and advantages of using Node.js
  • Setting up the development environment (Node.js installation, npm)

Module 2: JavaScript Fundamentals for Node.js

  • Brief review of essential JavaScript concepts
  • Asynchronous programming in JavaScript
  • Callbacks, Promises, and async/await
  • Handling errors in asynchronous code

Module 3: Node.js Basics

  • Creating your first Node.js application
  • Core modules in Node.js (fs, path, http, etc.)
  • Understanding the CommonJS module system
  • Working with npm packages and package.json

Module 4: Building Web Servers with Node.js

  • Introduction to HTTP protocols and web servers
  • Creating a basic HTTP server using Node.js
  • Routing and handling HTTP requests
  • Building APIs with Express.js

Module 5: Middleware and Routing

  • Understanding middleware in Express.js
  • Creating custom middleware
  • Using third-party middleware for common tasks (body parsing, logging, etc.)

Module 6: Working with Databases

  • Introduction to databases (SQL vs. NoSQL)
  • Connecting to databases from Node.js (MongoDB, MySQL, etc.)
  • Performing CRUD operations using database drivers and ORMs
  • Data validation and sanitization

Module 7: User Authentication and Authorization

  • Concepts of authentication and authorization
  • Implementing user registration and login
  • Using passport.js for authentication strategies
  • Role-based access control and permissions

Module 8: Error Handling and Debugging

  • Techniques for debugging Node.js applications
  • Handling runtime errors and exceptions
  • Using logging and debugging tools
  • Implementing error handling middleware

Module 9: RESTful API Development

  • Design principles of RESTful APIs
  • Building a RESTful API with Express.js
  • Handling request validation and input sanitization
  • Versioning and documentation of APIs

Module 10: Real-time Applications with WebSockets

  • Introduction to WebSockets
  • Building a real-time chat application using Socket.IO
  • Broadcasting messages and handling events
  • Scalability and considerations for real-time applications

Module 11: Performance and Scalability

  • Strategies for improving Node.js application performance
  • Caching techniques and content delivery
  • Scaling Node.js applications using clusters and load balancing
  • Introduction to microservices architecture

Module 12: Deployment and DevOps

  • Deploying Node.js applications to production servers
  • Configuration management and environment variables
  • Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD)
  • Monitoring, logging, and error tracking

Module 13: Security Best Practices

  • Common security vulnerabilities in Node.js applications
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and more
  • Implementing security measures: input validation, output encoding, etc.
  • Securing dependencies and managing vulnerabilities

Module 14: Advanced Topics (Optional)

  • Event-driven architecture and EventEmitter
  • Streams and file processing
  • GraphQL and its integration with Node.js
  • Serverless computing with Node.js (AWS Lambda, Azure Functions)

Module 15: Building a Project

  • Applying the learned concepts to build a complete project
  • Planning, architecture, and implementation
  • Integrating various modules and functionalities
  • Deploying the project to a production environment
  • Remember that the pacing and depth of each module can vary based on the target audience and the course’s duration. Additionally, you might want to incorporate hands-on exercises, quizzes, and practical projects to reinforce learning throughout the course.

Why Choose Us

Our IT Training Institute boasts an impressive 95% placement rate for all the students within six months of completing our programs. Our strong industry connections and dedicated career support team work tirelessly to ensure our students secure rewarding job opportunities in leading IT companies.

95% Placement Rate

Our IT Training Institute boasts an impressive 95% placement rate for all the students within six months of completing our programs. Our strong industry connections and dedicated career support team work tirelessly to ensure our students secure rewarding job opportunities in leading IT companies.
With a track record of over 130 satisfied students, we have consistently delivered high-quality IT training that meets the expectations of our students. Our alumni's success stories stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our programs in preparing them for thriving careers in the IT industry.

130+ Satisfied Students

With a track record of over 130 satisfied students, we have consistently delivered high-quality IT training that meets the expectations of our students. Our alumni’s success stories stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our programs in preparing them for thriving careers in the IT industry.
We take pride in our exceptional student satisfaction rate, with 98% of our students providing positive feedback on the quality of our training, course materials, and instructors. Our commitment to delivering a top-notch learning experience has earned us the trust and appreciation of our student community.

98% Positive Student Feedback

We take pride in our exceptional student satisfaction rate, with 98% of our students providing positive feedback on the quality of our training, course materials, and instructors. Our commitment to delivering a top-notch learning experience has earned us the trust and appreciation of our student community.

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