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PHP Advance Course

Why PHP?

Designing a comprehensive PHP course structure involves dividing the content into different modules or topics, each covering essential aspects of PHP development. Below is a suggested PHP course structure module-wise:


Advance PHP Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to PHP

  • Introduction to server-side scripting
  • Setting up PHP development environment (XAMPP, WAMP, or others)
  • Basic syntax and data types in PHP
  • Variables, constants, and data manipulation
  • Conditional statements and loops
  • Functions and user-defined functions

Module 2: PHP and HTML

  • PHP embedded in HTML
  • Form handling and processing using PHP
  • Common HTML form elements and their attributes
  • Handling user input and form validation
  • Working with files and directories

Module 3: PHP and Databases (MySQL/MariaDB)

  • Introduction to databases and SQL
  • Connecting PHP with MySQL/MariaDB
  • Querying and fetching data from databases
  • Inserting, updating, and deleting data
  • Handling database errors and exceptions

Module 4: PHP and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Introduction to OOP concepts
  • Classes, objects, and properties
  • Methods and visibility (public, private, protected)
  • Inheritance and interfaces
  • Autoloading classes in PHP

Module 5: Handling Sessions and Cookies

  • Understanding HTTP statelessness
  • Managing sessions in PHP
  • Using cookies to store data on the client side
  • Securing session data and handling session timeouts

Module 6: PHP Security Best Practices

  • Common security vulnerabilities (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, etc.)
  • Data validation and sanitization
  • Prepared statements and parameterized queries
  • Escaping output and input filtering

Module 7: PHP and RESTful APIs

  • Introduction to RESTful architecture
  • Creating and consuming RESTful APIs in PHP
  • Working with JSON and XML data
  • Authentication and security in APIs

Module 8: PHP Frameworks (Choose one or more popular frameworks)

  • Introduction to PHP frameworks (e.g., Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter)
  • Setting up and configuring a PHP framework
  • MVC pattern and its implementation in the framework
  • Working with databases, templates, and routing in the framework

Module 9: Project Development

  • Building a complete web application using PHP and a framework
  • Incorporating database, user authentication, and RESTful API integration
  • Best practices in project organization and code structuring

Module 10: Deployment and Hosting

  • Preparing a PHP application for deployment
  • Choosing a hosting provider and setting up the server
  • Deploying the application to a production environment
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting common issues

Why Choose Us

Our IT Training Institute boasts an impressive 95% placement rate for all the students within six months of completing our programs. Our strong industry connections and dedicated career support team work tirelessly to ensure our students secure rewarding job opportunities in leading IT companies.

95% Placement Rate

Our IT Training Institute boasts an impressive 95% placement rate for all the students within six months of completing our programs. Our strong industry connections and dedicated career support team work tirelessly to ensure our students secure rewarding job opportunities in leading IT companies.
With a track record of over 130 satisfied students, we have consistently delivered high-quality IT training that meets the expectations of our students. Our alumni's success stories stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our programs in preparing them for thriving careers in the IT industry.

130+ Satisfied Students

With a track record of over 130 satisfied students, we have consistently delivered high-quality IT training that meets the expectations of our students. Our alumni’s success stories stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our programs in preparing them for thriving careers in the IT industry.
We take pride in our exceptional student satisfaction rate, with 98% of our students providing positive feedback on the quality of our training, course materials, and instructors. Our commitment to delivering a top-notch learning experience has earned us the trust and appreciation of our student community.

98% Positive Student Feedback

We take pride in our exceptional student satisfaction rate, with 98% of our students providing positive feedback on the quality of our training, course materials, and instructors. Our commitment to delivering a top-notch learning experience has earned us the trust and appreciation of our student community.

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