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React JS Advance Course

Why React JS?

Designing a React.js course requires a well-structured approach to cover its fundamental concepts and features comprehensively. Here’s a suggested module-wise structure for a React.js course:


Advance React JS Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to React.js

  • What is React.js?
  • History and evolution of React.js
  • Features and advantages of using React.js
  • Setting up the development environment (Node.js, npm)

Module 2: JSX and Components

  • Understanding JSX (JavaScript XML)
  • Creating and rendering React components
  • Component hierarchy and reusability
  • Props and state for data management

Module 3: State and Lifecycle

  • Managing component state
  • Lifecycle methods: componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, etc.
  • Updating state and triggering re-rendering
  • Handling events and user interactions

Module 4: Handling Forms and User Input

  • Building controlled components
  • Handling form input and validation
  • Working with textarea, select, and checkbox inputs
  • Controlled vs. uncontrolled components

Module 5: Lists and Keys

  • Rendering lists using the map() function
  • Adding keys for efficient updates and rendering
  • Conditional rendering and handling empty states

Module 6: Styling and CSS in React

  • Styling options: inline styles, CSS modules, styled-components
  • ClassNames library for conditional styles
  • CSS-in-JS libraries and their benefits

Module 7: Component Composition and Props Drilling

  • Passing data between parent and child components
  • Avoiding prop drilling using Context API
  • PropTypes for type checking and validation

Module 8: React Router for Routing

  • Introduction to routing in React
  • Setting up React Router
  • Defining routes and navigating between them
  • Route parameters and query strings

Module 9: Forms and Form Libraries

  • Using form libraries like Formik or react-hook-form
  • Handling complex form states and validations
  • Form submission and error handling

Module 10: Managing State with Hooks

  • Introduction to hooks: useState, useEffect, useContext, etc.
  • Replacing class components with functional components
  • Custom hooks for sharing logic between components

Module 11: Context API and Global State Management

  • Creating and consuming context in React
  • Using Context API for global state management
  • Reducer pattern and dispatching actions

Module 12: State Management with Redux (Optional)

  • Introduction to Redux and its principles
  • Actions, reducers, and store in Redux
  • Integrating Redux with React applications
  • Redux-thunk for asynchronous actions

Module 13: Handling Asynchronous Operations

  • Making API calls using Fetch or Axios
  • Using async/await for asynchronous operations
  • Managing loading and error states

Module 14: React Performance Optimization

  • Identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks
  • Memoization and React.memo for optimizing rendering
  • Using the React DevTools for profiling

Module 15: Server-Side Rendering (Optional)

  • Introduction to server-side rendering (SSR)
  • Using frameworks like Next.js for SSR
  • Benefits and considerations of SSR

Module 16: Testing React Applications

  • Testing fundamentals: unit testing, integration testing, etc.
  • Writing tests using Jest and React Testing Library
  • Mocking dependencies and simulating user interactions

Module 17: Deployment and Production Build

  • Creating production builds of React applications
  • Deployment options: hosting on platforms like Netlify, Vercel, etc.
  • Configuring environment variables for different environments

Module 18: Real-World Project

  • Applying React concepts to build a complete project
  • Planning, architecture, and implementation
  • Integrating various modules and functionalities
  • Project structure and organization best practices
  • Remember that the pacing and depth of each module can vary based on the target audience and the course’s duration. Hands-on exercises, coding challenges, quizzes, and a final project can enhance the learning experience and help students apply the concepts they’ve learned.

Why Choose Us

Our IT Training Institute boasts an impressive 95% placement rate for all the students within six months of completing our programs. Our strong industry connections and dedicated career support team work tirelessly to ensure our students secure rewarding job opportunities in leading IT companies.

95% Placement Rate

Our IT Training Institute boasts an impressive 95% placement rate for all the students within six months of completing our programs. Our strong industry connections and dedicated career support team work tirelessly to ensure our students secure rewarding job opportunities in leading IT companies.
With a track record of over 130 satisfied students, we have consistently delivered high-quality IT training that meets the expectations of our students. Our alumni's success stories stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our programs in preparing them for thriving careers in the IT industry.

130+ Satisfied Students

With a track record of over 130 satisfied students, we have consistently delivered high-quality IT training that meets the expectations of our students. Our alumni’s success stories stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our programs in preparing them for thriving careers in the IT industry.
We take pride in our exceptional student satisfaction rate, with 98% of our students providing positive feedback on the quality of our training, course materials, and instructors. Our commitment to delivering a top-notch learning experience has earned us the trust and appreciation of our student community.

98% Positive Student Feedback

We take pride in our exceptional student satisfaction rate, with 98% of our students providing positive feedback on the quality of our training, course materials, and instructors. Our commitment to delivering a top-notch learning experience has earned us the trust and appreciation of our student community.

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