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WordPress Development Advance Course

Why WordPress?

Designing a comprehensive WordPress development course requires careful planning to cover essential topics and skills. Below is a structured outline for a WordPress development course that can help learners go from beginners to proficient developers:


Advance WordPress Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to WordPress

  • What is WordPress?
  • The history and growth of WordPress
  • Self-hosted WordPress vs.
  • Variables, constants, and data manipulation
  • Installing WordPress locally for development (using tools like XAMPP or WAMP)
  • Setting up WordPress on a web server

Module 2: Getting Started with WordPress

  • Understanding the WordPress Dashboard
  • Creating and managing posts and pages
  • Working with categories and tags
  • Understanding media management (images, videos, and other media)
  • Configuring basic settings (site title, tagline, permalink structure, etc.)

Module 3: Customizing the Appearance

  • Customizing the Appearance
  • Customizing themes using the WordPress Customizer
  • Working with widgets and sidebars
  • Understanding the role of CSS in theme customization
  • Introduction to child themes

Module 4: Understanding Plugins

  • What are WordPress plugins?
  • Finding and installing plugins from the WordPress repository
  • Configuring and using essential plugins (e.g., SEO, security, caching)
  • Introduction to plugin development concepts

Module 5: WordPress Performance Optimization

  • Understanding website performance metrics
  • Caching strategies for WordPress
  • Image optimization and lazy loading
  • Minification and concatenation of scripts and styles
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

Module 6: WordPress Security

  • Common WordPress security vulnerabilities
  • Best practices for securing a WordPress site
  • Using security plugins and tools
  • Handling security breaches and recovery

Module 7: Website Deployment and Maintenance

  • Preparing a WordPress site for deployment
  • Migrating WordPress from local to live server
  • Regular maintenance tasks (updates, backups, etc.)/li>
  • Troubleshooting common WordPress issues

Why Choose Us

Our IT Training Institute boasts an impressive 95% placement rate for all the students within six months of completing our programs. Our strong industry connections and dedicated career support team work tirelessly to ensure our students secure rewarding job opportunities in leading IT companies.

95% Placement Rate

Our IT Training Institute boasts an impressive 95% placement rate for all the students within six months of completing our programs. Our strong industry connections and dedicated career support team work tirelessly to ensure our students secure rewarding job opportunities in leading IT companies.
With a track record of over 130 satisfied students, we have consistently delivered high-quality IT training that meets the expectations of our students. Our alumni's success stories stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our programs in preparing them for thriving careers in the IT industry.

130+ Satisfied Students

With a track record of over 130 satisfied students, we have consistently delivered high-quality IT training that meets the expectations of our students. Our alumni’s success stories stand as a testament to the effectiveness of our programs in preparing them for thriving careers in the IT industry.
We take pride in our exceptional student satisfaction rate, with 98% of our students providing positive feedback on the quality of our training, course materials, and instructors. Our commitment to delivering a top-notch learning experience has earned us the trust and appreciation of our student community.

98% Positive Student Feedback

We take pride in our exceptional student satisfaction rate, with 98% of our students providing positive feedback on the quality of our training, course materials, and instructors. Our commitment to delivering a top-notch learning experience has earned us the trust and appreciation of our student community.

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